yep... I've made another card, but this one is NOT after a sketch or for a competition or anything like that. Just made one because I wanted to... Although I got really inspired by one of
Anne Bodil's cards (can't find it right now, but it's somewhere in her blog ;o)

33 kommentarer:
underbart underbart1 åh ditt scrapbord skulle man vilja röja runt i så massa fina saker......
WOW! You do make the most beautiful cards, this is wonderful, you are a very clever lady. Isn't it neat to make a card for no reason at all- just because you want to!
Snygt snygt!! :) Delikat invitasjon som enhver hadde blitt overlykkelig for å få :) Klem Ida
Ewonne, i think you must be the most awe inspiring card designer out there - i absolutely adore your craftsmanship - every creation you make blows my socks off. This card is just so stunning its sensational
love tasha xx
Sååå vackert kort! Nilla
Fantastic card, love it!
Jättefint kort!
Snälla kolla gärna in på födelsedagsswappen på aos, då det nu är ganska många som saknar från dig!!
Kram Maria
Ohhh wow Ewonne.... I just love it!!!!
Feels good to do something other than a sketch or a challenge, doesn't it?!!!!
I think.... it rocks!!!!!
Åååhh, vad fint! Väldigt inspirerande och underbara detaljer som alltid!
So beautiful Ewonne!
Så underbart fint. Matchning ut i minsta detalj och allt är så snyggt ihop. You rock!
This is such a pretty card!
Welp, this is gorgeous. I love how you added the rub-on under the ribbon...just beautiful.
Stunning! Sooo much talent going on here!
this is gorgeous
Just wanted to let you know I have left a blog award on my blog for you, if you wish to collect it!
Beautiful! I love the way you did the stick pin and the bling!!
Underbart lovely i love it!! Precis i min stil. Kram
Wow....this is sooo beautiful, Ewonne! LOVE this gorgeous card!!!
Helt otroligt vackert!!! Jag blir så makalöst inspirerad när jag tittar in hos dig - hade precis plockat undan mina scrapsaker och nu vill jag bara slita fram allting igen :D
wauw what a great and lovely cards you make!
hugs sylvia
This is gorgeous! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I just adore your cards!
W0w- your work is amazing! I really enjoy looking through your blog!
Gorgeous card! I love the vintage feel to it!
What a stunning card Ewonne! Love those colours! It's nice to scrap just for yourself once in a while, isn't it!
Hugs, Monique
Så himlarns läckert sötnos!
I love how you always add some magical elements to your cards!
This is gorgeous!! Love the colors, the bling, and the beautiful satiny ribbon!
For et lekkert kort. Liker godt hvordan du har stemplet bak den nydelige pynten.
Favvo färg kombo och galet vackert! Superfint med den långa grungen bakom! Kramar!
Vill bara säga att jag tycker detta kortet är jättefint.
That ribbon and button across the card is just so beautiful!
That ribbon and button across the card is just so beautiful!
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